
Mari (+) money dgn Klik heartBeat..^^

Monday, 18 April 2011

I am in the middle of war!!!

E.P vs Exam

Lets see how I fight the exam in this semester.. Frankly, I don't prepare 100% yet. There is so much things that I need to cover before the first paper take place..LAW 309..what do you say?? Well I say it it perfectly hard and I need to keep in mind all the terms,definition, and cases..Do you think it's easy?Then come and teach me please..Mommy..!! I am in the middle of war!! Arrrrghhh.. its look like massacre that lead me to death..oh my God..I'm getting over..Ishh2..sorry pals..for being emotional.=(

Let just pray, and get prepare..I don't want to sit like fools in the exam hall later on..Alright..move on and give my best..InsyaAllah..^__^ 

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Assignment lagi??

Hallu I ada tinggal 4 hari lagi,,sungguhpun begitu,assignment masih ada juga..Ya Allah..sungguh luar biasa kesibukan semester ni..Then, pas exam pun masi ada lg assignment ynag mo di hantar.xhabis2..strees otak ni..and!jerawat sdah mula tumbuh di pipi..mst tindak balas hormon yg memberontak kan??hahaha..peduli lah tu..janji study utk exam nnt..wish me luck ah

Friday, 15 April 2011



Monday, 11 April 2011

Insomnia..Thank you very much..

The picture is only for illustration purpose only.^^

Mr.Blog..I wish that I was sleeping now..Apparently, a sweet lovely dreams will entertain me in the other side of the world.. 

But I am not sleeping..And here I am..story telling with my gorgeous cutey blog..Don't be so glad this wont stay any week will be my final week before examination.

It means what? DISASTER!!oppss.I shouldn't mention that bad words here.Take a deep breath and say.."Lets put everything in the right track and give our ultimate effort and get rid all those helluva disaster...Fighhht!!Be a hero in your own dreams..

Coming back to my title..yes..thank you very much to Mr.Insomnia for visiting me today.My eyes is wide open and I don't feel like sleepy..Good news is I done my assignment.And the bad news is, I'm afraid that I can't wake up early tomorrow.I couldn't make it happen as I have a presentation and I need to compile my works with my group members by tomorrow. wish I will wake up early tomorrow..Insya Allah..I better stop now before I start mumbling all over again and keep pressing "enter" to make a new paragraph of my stories.Bubye and nite..^^

Saturday, 9 April 2011

My saturday..^^

Hai was just awsome..I went to Cp mall with my lovely buddy Fennie.What can I say??She so funny and i feel so cool whenever with her.^___^This is the story....

Orang cakap, cara terbaik menyampaikan cerita yang penuh rasa gembira adalah dgn menggunakan bahasa sendiri..nahh..puas ati..hihihi..

Kami stay2 dkt wayang sementara menunggu wyg kami jam1.35..adooii..jadi observer nda bgaji lah kami di sana..ramainya mangsa2 fesyen berkeliaran..ada yg mcm alien jatuh dari planet marikh, ada yang macam orang baru turun dari gunung, alala..saya nda faham ni apa yang buat dorang yakin pakai baju macam tu..sedar ka nda..dorang jak yg tau..tengok jak yg terdaya..

kami p tengok wayang yg tajuk dia "scream of the ghost"..Nahhh..suda terang2 bah cerita hantu..mau lagi knon kami tengok..padahal dua2 penakut..c Fennie kasi keluar sweater then kami tengok tu wayang guna satu mata jak..ishhh..saya tutup telinga lagi bah..xsanggup mo dengar tu banshee teriakk.berpeluk bah kami tinguk..hoho..memang gila la pontianak la pertama kali sy tgok pontianak melayu versi orang puti..gila lahh..huh!! Nasibla happy ending..kalau nda, sy yg jadi banshee di wayang tu..aiya..berlatihlah dulu teriak2 mcm tu..iskk..scaryy!

Bah..tu jak mau sambung dulu main game zombie..hihi..bubuii..~~

Friday, 8 April 2011


Day by day..I become speechless and feels like I got nothing to say..It seems weird cuz this wasnt me..I used to talk and share many things here back then.Why?Am I too busy or something??I can't figure it'm sorry..

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Malam aNugerah Fakulti..^^

hello my time no see..hihi..mrajuk ka?alalala..sorry la..ep busy sangat2..last sunday ada dinner fakulti.So,ep selaku salah seorang pelajar semester 5 di tugaskan untuk handle dinner tu..Ep menjadi exco jemputan yang juga bertugas menjdi receptionist pada hari kejadian..adududu.hihi..Well, apa yg best adalah..kami telah menjayakan majlis tu dengan sempurna dan mendapat pujian daripada pengarah campus..Yang mengkritik pun xkurang hebatnya, tapi biasalah tu..kita xmgkin dpat puaskan hati semua orang kan??

Sekarang, xmau cakap banyak sda..jadi biarlah gambar-gambar ini yang berbicara sendiri..aitccchh..hihih.tapi cikit jak pic ni..kawan2 yg take pic belum habis upload lagi..hihi..lets see..


With my buddy Rin..cumil kn kami?hihi

Me and fen..^^c marsha..haha


Me and Dayah..cute sgt dia mlm tu..

Welcome to the dinner everyone...!

The receptionist~

One malaysia..hihi

me and killa..roomate yg pintar..~

my brother n fren sars..~

I love my girls...

p/s:Lupa mo gtau..dinner ni bertemakan warisan..thats why semua dress camtu..lawa kan3???

Friday, 1 April 2011

I am student.=)

Hai am student!!! lalalalalala...I got so many assignments,test,quizzes, and presentation instead of the final examination which just around the corner.So what?? I shouldn't surprise and sigh everyday..because I am a student!!That is all what a student like me should do.What else I will do when there is an official "student" mark in my head??Haiisshh..feel stress is obvious, but, I must find the solution to be cool and chill.

All I need to do is appreciate all these precious moment and do what I suppose to do in order to achieve my dream.Is it??Okay..Gotcha..!!
Assignment?Test?Quiz?Presentation? I'll do my best and put my ultimate effort to fight against you...I won't afraid..I won't run..Lets just finish all this until the end.I am student..and you are only my small tiny challenges.Fighting!!
I love study!!